Tuesday 4 June 2013

Finding my voice

I dreamt about my ex last night (not an altogether uncommon occurrence unfortunately) which always unsettles me. And so I’ve been damned with a generous dose of anxiety today.

This always makes me want to call him, text him, write to him, anything to maintain some contact, but I put him through enough already. Luckily he didn’t get to meet Ted, but there were a few preceding versions of Ted that Jim did get to meet. And time and time again, wonderful, selfless, heroic Jim managed to breathe life back into me when these demons were dragging me under.

It’s been 18 months since we split up and 8 months since I last saw him. He has a new girlfriend and is deservingly happy. I can’t intrude on that with my starry-eyed ideas that just maybe we’re meant to be together. I left him, I suppose, thinking that life owed me more than the neat little life we’d made for ourselves in Brighton. There was an element of me starting to believe my own hype – I was powering along at work, embracing London life, and was under the spell of all the shiny, sparkly glitz that it offered (infact to be read as all that superficial bollocks that has no bearing on the grand scheme of things with less fickle beings than myself being able to recognise as much).

There was no moonlight flit, there was six or more preceding months to our break up in which I to’d and fro’d between staying and going and this fact is now my only assurance – I made a considered decision which I believed was right at the time. But (and it’s a big, pain-in-my-heart BUT) this last six months have brought me down a peg or two (I did need it, in fairness) – I’ve (over)analysed myself, reconsidered what’s important to me and what it really is I’m searching for on this weird old journey they call life. And what do you know, it’s that modest, uncomplicated, contented, cushion-y warm life that I crave. I always knew this I think, but I pushed it to one side in favour of pursuing an existence that gained me the approval I so needed from others.

Yes, I was that girl from little ol’ Hayling Island who was doing all these glittery things. And I thrived on the Oooo’s and Ahhh’s that recounting my stories of this life achieved.

But inside I was drowning, the thrashing about to keep my head above water becoming more and more of a struggle until I came all too close to losing my grip in December. Then along came my wonderful wonderful Mummy, Daddy, Jack and Lucy with their lifeboat, dragging me aboard and, as gradually and sensitively as I could cope with, resuscitating me.

I’m garbling, aren’t I?

If I have my optimistic hat on, I can see that the last six months or so have given me a gift. Admittedly, it’s the sort of gift that you don’t really want/need/never-in-a-month-of-Sunday’s-would-have-bought-yourself but force out an over-exaggerated smile upon receiving because you don’t want to upset Nana! But on reflection, it really has given me something wonderful (alas the same cannot be said for the ‘fun’ jumper Nana knitted and gifted me, worn once to appease her before returning to its rightful place in the loft!), it’s made me take one f*ck off almighty huge step back and take a painstaking look at the life I’d forged.

I picked it apart and for a while there, wasn’t sure I would ever be able to weave it back together. And even if I could, did I want to reconstruct it as it was? The answer – No. Because, to again quote that wise woman’s words, all I really found I wanted was a bit of peace. And, more importantly, to find a bit of peace in me.

Just the last week or two, I really really can feel it too. I feel lucky in a way for the journey I’ve been on and am still on. Every single day of it has mattered, even and perhaps more so the ‘how the shitting hell am I going to get out of bed today??’ ones, because every single day has been a meaningful step in getting me to this point where I can finally start to, without constant need to approval seek or people please, just be me. Probably a kinder, stronger, less angry me too.

And really, nothing illustrates this better than my blog. I couldn’t have done this before. Sure, I had a voice and a pretty loud one at that. But I didn’t feel worthy of it being published and put out there for all the world to see. The wannabe writer in me thought about it a hundred times but I never felt I had anything truly valid to say.

But it finally struck me this week - my voice is valid, I’m valid, with or without my words and doings being authenticated by anyone else. Because if no-one reads this drivel but me, that doesn’t mean it’s any less worthy of being heard.

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